3 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Pain

As an expectant mother, it’s no surprise that your focus is on the health and well being of your child. This includes changing the way you eat, changing your day-to-day pace, and avoiding stress. You are willing to make sacrifices and be more disciplined as you put the health of your child first.

Pregnancy Pains

We definitely agree at Arrowhead Health Centers that your baby’s health should be a priority. However, there are still certain things you should be doing for your own health as well that can have a major impact on your pregnancy. Focusing on yourself every now and then is good for both you and your child. Avoiding unnecessary and excessive pregnancy pain is one important factor that expectant mothers should focus on. Your body goes through a major transformation during pregnancy, which can lead to new experiences of pain in places you’ve never felt it before. Many pregnant women are surprised to find that they feel pain in their backs as much as they do. This might be surprising, but is not at all abnormal. You are now carrying around more weight in front and your back will automatically attempt to compensate for this new distribution of weight.

Here are 3 things you can do to reduce the back pain you might experience while pregnant:

Massage A therapeutic massage is a wonder way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness for expectant mothers. Not only will a massage relieve some of the pain and discomfort experienced during pregnancy, but it also helps to reduce stress on the weight-bearing joints of the body. Massages have shown to promote better blood and lymph circulation while easing tension. This helps with better sleep at night and can also relieve any depression or anxiety. Gentle Manipulation and Adjustment Some of the common changes that take place during pregnancy such as weight gain and hormone level increases and decreases, can directly impact joints, muscles, ligaments and bones in the back. Through specialized and gentle adjustments, therapists can help to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms that may arise from such changes. From spinal adjustments to therapeutic exercises and stretches, there are many different ways to relieve or even prevent back pain during pregnancy. Even a slight change in diet or a better focus on nutrition can make a difference. Acupuncture With the focus on the health of their new baby as a top priority, many expectant mothers are hesitant to incorporate any medications or drugs during their pregnancy, even if it would help to alleviate back pain. Fortunately, there are alternatives to medication for pain relief, such as acupuncture. Acupuncture is actually very safe and effective during pregnancy. Based on historical diagnostic theories, it can help to eliminate stress, hip and low back pain, and even morning sickness. There is a now a great deal of research that has shown that the routine use of acupuncture during pregnancy can indeed enhance wellness. If you are pregnant and experiencing pain of any sort, give the Arrowhead Health Centers a call today to set up a time to speak with one of our specialists. Let us provide more specific information that relates to your situation. Call 623-334-4000.
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