At Home Back Pain Management

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Want to get a head start on your back pain management? We don’t blame you. The Arrowhead Health Center team has come up with a few at-home back pain remedies that will help stretch the muscles, soothe the aches, and complement our Recovery Game Plan for pain management in Arizona. Choose one, or choose them all, but let’s fight back together.

Natural At-Home Back Pain Remedies

Yoga and Stretching

You’ve probably heard it a million times. (Or maybe you have that “one friend” who is always talking about how much they love their yoga class…) Either way, if you have tried it out, you should. Pain management begins with your attitude towards your pain. Just breathe in and out at a yoga class one time a week or lay out a mat in your living room and create your own at-home back pain remedies! Here are some great tips we found for back pain management in Arizona.


Hey, it’s an excuse to treat yourself! Either find a local massage clinic in the Valley or convince a family member to get those tough spots once or twice a week to get a jumpstart on your back pain management in Arizona. It’s been shown to not only alleviate pressure on the bones, ligaments, and muscles in the back, but also to improve your moods, stress levels, and mental clarity. While our professionals are treating your pain medically and through therapy, you can help prepare your body through weekly massages.

Plant-based Ointments

Before using this helpful tip, please have a quick chat with your doctor or call Arrowhead Health Center to speak with someone about how your body will react with various herbal ointments. Remember, some of these plants can be toxic after prolonged use so be cautious! We recommend comfrey root, which was shown to seriously reduce the pain in the area it was applied, according to a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. These at-home back pain remedies only cover and alleviate the pain you’re experiencing. The Recovery Game Plan actually solves the source of the problem.

Back Pain Management

Do you have another tip to share about at-home back pain management? Write it on our Facebook page! At Arrowhead Health Centers, it’s all about the conversation. We understand back pain and are waiting for your call to get started creating your custom Recovery Game Plan. 623.334.4000
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