How to Keep Your Knee Healthy After Treatment

Many patients who have successfully completed our OsteoArthritis of the Knee Program ask what they can do to keep their knees healthy after the treatment. Now that they are beginning to see the positive results of the treatment, they want to be sure to do everything they can to ensure the longevity of their knee function.  This is our goal as well, and we want you to know that we are here to offer support and motivation along the way. To start with, here are 3 things you can do to keep your knee healthy after treatment: 1. Stay Active A focus on activity and exercise has several benefits. First, it helps in the recovery process. Exercise strengthens muscles that support your joints and builds flexibility. Staying active helps to maintain a healthy joint and has even been shown to slow osteoarthritis. By exercising and staying active, you keep your heart pumping and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrient rich blood through your body. Exercise doesn’t always mean going to the gym. You can stay active by doing the things you already enjoy, such as walking or riding a bike. We send all of our program graduates home with Home Exercise Plans too, so you don’t have to worry about coming up with a plan if you don’t want to! Remember that when it comes to exercise, consistency is more important that quantity. 2.  Maintain a Healthy Diet Eating healthy not only ensures you have the important nutrients and vitamins you need to recover, but it also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which we will discuss later. Foods that are rich with omega-3 fatty acids can help keep joints healthy and reduce inflammation. Leafy vegetables and dairy products provide excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are essential in keeping bones strong. If you were not following a healthy diet before your treatment, talk to your doctor about ideas to help you make that transition. 3.  Watch Your Weight Knee pain and being overweight go hand in hand. Unfortunately, knees typically take the brunt of pressure and force caused by weight. Every extra pound we carry around with us directly affects our knees. Between eating healthy and exercise, you should be able to maintain a healthy weight that will relieve some of the pressure placed on your knees, allowing them to heal correctly after surgery and grow stronger. It is estimated that every pound lost takes four pounds of pressure off of our knees. Remember that Arrowhead Health Centers are here to help you through the treatment and recovery of the Osteoarthritis of the Knee program. Be sure to ask questions along the way so we can help you long-term success with your knee therapies. At Arrowhead Health Centers, we put people first so that they can get healthy. Today is your day to get healthy. Call us at 623-334-4000, option 9 or visit us at mybetterknees.com for a free 1 on 1 consultation with one of our knowledgeable doctors.
Arrowhead Health:
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