The OsteoArthritis Treatment Journey

Where did your journey with OsteoArthritis begin? Did it start with stiffness in your knees or hips? Maybe there are others in your family who had been suffering with the symptoms of arthritis for years before you noticed them in your own body. It may have been easy to dismiss the stiffness you felt in your knees each morning as just being out of shape or getting older. Eventually, you began to realize that it was happening on a more regular basis. You not only noticed in the morning, but also when standing up after sitting in a chair for a while. You realized there was extra pain when you climbed stairs or walked for long distances. Slowly, the pain began to affect your ability and motivation to stay involved in certain activities, like playing sports or with your children in the yard. Like most people, you may have tried taking over-the-counter pain medications to help with the pain. At first, you may have only taken one dose of medication in the morning, but soon you found you needed another dose after lunch…then another after dinner. Eventually you may have reached the conclusion that there was much more than just trivial stiffness in your joints. It could be that you are at that stage now, not knowing what is actually causing this pain and afraid to find out. Still, you realize that you cannot go on living like this. You need to get a grasp on the pain and figure out how to better manage your symptoms. You might even be considering surgery to fix the problem. This is the perfect time to give Arrowhead Health Centers a call. We have been working with patients who are experiencing the painful symptoms of osteoarthritis for years now, helping them to avoid invasive surgery. Our experience and insight from working with these patients has led us to develop our own OsteoArthritis of the Knee Program. This program involves highly effective treatments that have made a significant difference for our patients. What makes our program unique is our multidisciplinary staff that includes pain management specialists, family physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and an anesthesiologist. Together, this team works with the patient to develop a tailored Recovery Game Plan that might include several treatments aimed at relieving osteoarthritis pain. These treatments typically include the following:
  • All Natural Hyaluronic Acid Injections – FDA approved product that acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the knee. Hyaluronic acid bonds with joint fluid naturally and adds a layer of cushion in your knee.
  • Physical Rehabilitation – therapy that goes along with the hyaluronic injections to ensure the maximum effect. This therapy enhances the lubricating  and shock absorbing effect of hyaluronic acid injections.
  • Supportive Bracing – helps provide stability to your joints while you’re going through treatment and beyond.
Our goal is to help you see relief from your osteoarthritis while avoiding surgery if possible. To learn more, call us at 623-334-4000, Option 9. We are happy to set up a consultation so you can learn more about what we have to offer.
Arrowhead Health:
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