Treatments That Can Help You Avoid Knee Surgery (Infographic)

Knee pain is something that can heavily impact the quality of your lifestyle, which is why you should consider these treatments that will help you avoid knee surgery. Whether you are trying to manage OsteoArthritis pain or you’re suffering from a sports-related injury, knee surgery is something that is costly, painful, and sometimes not even effective. Why waste money when there are plenty of other options that will help you rebuild the strength and use of your knee?

Knee Pain Remedies to Avoid Knee Surgery

Exercise & Strength Training: One of the most natural routes to take to avoid knee surgery is to find a form of physical rehabilitation that will help restore more of your knee movement and capabilities. Losing even just 10-15 pounds can take a ton of pressure off of your knee, which will help your rehabilitation process later on. The benefits of walking and stretching every day can be a great start for regaining comfort in your knee. Custom Knee Braces: Having a physical therapist or doctor choose and fit a custom knee brace that will keep your knee in place is a simple way to get rid of discomfort. This is a much cheaper alternative to avoid knee surgery. Hyaluronic Acid Injections: An FDA approved method that bonds with the joint fluid in your knee to create a lubricant “cushion” that reduces pain, inflammation, and joint swelling. This is used to treat patients participating in our OsteoArthritis of the Knee Program. Stem Cell & Growth Factor Injections: This method is becoming more popular and accessible. These injections rebuild the lost cartilage and prevents future loss of cartilage.

Get Your Knee Pain Assessed

If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort in your knee, having a professional take a look at it is the best way to ensure you get the best treatment possible. All of our physicians at Arrowhead Health Centers are proud to offer services that can regenerate knee strength such as our Osteoarthritis of the Knee Program. Having seen a 91% success rate with our patients in this program, we are sure that we can help you feel relief too.

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