Best Things to Eat During Pregnancy

There are thousands of articles all over the web about how best to have a baby. But at the end of the day, just like when we were kids, “Mama knows best”. You know when your body feels at its best and when your baby feels it too. The trick is all about what you put in your body during pregnancy! Smart choices lead to the best growth and development (for both of you). Here is our list of the best things to eat during pregnancy to stay healthy and balanced.

Best Things to Eat During Pregnancy

  1. Grains

The best thing you can do is to keep your vitamin levels high during pregnancy. Eating good, whole grains (not those colorful sugar cereals!) can accomplish this and more! Try eating whole-grain cereals, granola/oats, and whole-grain bread with breakfast and lunch as these super foods contain lots of fiber, iron, minerals, and vitamin B! Not to mention, the carbs will help you start your day with some much-needed energy.

2. Fruits and Veggies

This one may seem obvious as any well-rounded diet has a lot of fruits and vegetables in it. However, these foods are especially important in large amounts during pregnancy. Try eating a lot of dark green vegetables, such as spinach and green beans for vitamin A, iron, and folate. Replace the run-of-the-mill orange or apple snack with apricots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, and any kind of squash for a sweet and healthy staple. These will give you lots of fiber (for digestion) and vitamin C (for iron absorption). Shouldn’t be too hard to eat foods that look so pretty on a plate, right?

3. Fish, Eggs, and Beans

And all those other “good” smelling foods… These are your go-to protein during pregnancy. We aren’t saying avoid chicken and beef or your usual meals, just add these items to your grocery list. Fish not only has proteins but omega-3 fatty acids that help your baby’s brain development (not to mention, they might even help your mommy-brain). We recommend cod and salmon because some other kinds of fish (like swordfish, mackerel, and shark) might be high in mercury. For your breakfasts and lunches, we recommend incorporating with a scrambled or hardboiled egg (good fats, proteins, and vitamins), along with some black beans or chickpeas! Check out this delicious lentil and bean salad recipe.

4. Snacks!

Here’s the fun part. As you’re probably all too aware, you’re going to want to eat. Like, all the time. Here is our list of the best things to eat during pregnancy for those I need it now snacks: -bananas (fight off fatigue, nausea; great with orange juice or on your cereal) -soy nuts (very high in protein and fiber; great by themselves or on salads) -yogurt (great source of calcium and vitamin D; make sure to get some with low-sugar and no preservatives/GMOs) -water with fruits (great way to get your daily intake of water, plus you can put whatever you want in it! We like strawberries and lemons the most, but sometimes a few drops of mint extract and some limes make for a faux mojito!) -avocados and nuts (These are great fatty snacks that aren’t processed. While there is always a balance in everything, we say, have at it! You’re pregnant!)
If you have any other recommendations or tips for our community of pregnant readers, or if you have any questions for our team of doctors, comment below or give us a call at 623.777.5587!
Arrowhead Health:
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