
Dr. West Discusses Melanoma With ABC 15 And Fox 10 (Videos)

Arrowhead Health Center's Dr. West discusses Melanoma with ABC 15 and Fox 10! One misunderstanding that people have about skin cancer…

Arrowhead Health

Skin Cancer Symptoms: Tips For Early Detection And Treatment

Knowing how to recognize skin cancer symptoms early on is an incredibly useful skill to have when living in Arizona.…

Arrowhead Health

Crain’s Phoenix – If I Knew Then With Dr. Janice Johnston

Dr. Janice Johnston has been featured in Crain's Phoenix "If I Knew Then" series! In this ongoing series, Crain's Phoenix asks executives, entrepreneurs…

Arrowhead Health

How To Create A Gluten Free Diet Plan

Perhaps the biggest misunderstanding about gluten is that intolerance to the substance is not a simple binary matter of “allergic”…

Arrowhead Health

How To Treat An Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

Summer is almost here which means it is time for camping, road trips, and numerous other adventures. Unfortunately, for the…

Arrowhead Health

Foods that Raise Cholesterol: Your Checklist To A Healthy Diet

You are probably aware of foods that raise cholesterol. But between all of the confusion about “good” cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol…

Arrowhead Health

Time To Heal – Working Through Injuries

Juggling work, errands, exercise, and time with family and friends is a recipe for exhaustion. Sometimes, no matter how careful…

Arrowhead Health

Anthony Nelson on World Health Day & Healthy Lifestyle Habits (Video)

With Friday being World Health Day, ABC 15 joins Dr. Anthony Nelson to talk about some healthy lifestyle tips that…

Arrowhead Health