Positive Mindset = Healthier You

Life can be stressful and keep us guessing at every turn. Just when we think we have a grasp on what we are doing, a new challenge or twist will come along forcing us to step up. One thing we know for sure is that a positive mindset and attitude can make a significant difference when it comes to staying healthy. There are some specific health benefits from having a positive mindset. They include the following:
•An increased life span
•Lower rates of depression
•Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease •Higher resistance to the common coldWhile these health benefits sound pretty great, we also realize that it isn’t always easy to keep a positive mindset amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Some things in life catch us off guard and keep us focused on the negative for far too long.When unexpected or negative events transpire in life, it can be helpful to have a “go-to” technique that helps us sort through our negative mindset and get us back to a positive one. These techniques will be different from one person to the next. They will not only help to influence our mindset, but they can ultimately keep us healthier too. Here are a few ideas on what you can do when something stressful comes along:
1. ExerciseFind a physical activity that is something you enjoy doing. It could be a brisk walk around the neighborhood or some laps in the pool. Exercise is a great way to let frustrations out and keep your mind and body healthy.2. Meditate A quiet meditation session can be the perfect way to process any negative feelings you are dealing with and get back to a more reflective and positive place. 3. Be Grateful It is amazing how expressing thanks can rid your mind of negative thoughts. Take a minute to write a thank-you card or email to someone you appreciate. Your positive reaction will become contagious before you know it. 4. Laugh Watch a funny video or read a favorite comic. Laughter and smiling can very quickly rid our thoughts of negativity and help us feel better about the situation.
5. Positive AffirmationsKeep a journal of favorite quotes, verses, poems or even song lyrics that you can refer to quickly when you need something to keep you positive and focused. Don’t feel like you have to wait for something negative to come along before you read these. Start each day by reading a few and see if it helps keep you more positive and healthy.Arrowhead Health Centers is committed to keeping our patients healthy and focused on their bright future. We have helped hundreds of patients overcome their pain and suffering and feel confident we can help you too. For more information on what we have to offer, please give us a call at 480-334-4000. Janette Gleason Bio: An award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author and 2015 Arizona Mother of Achievement, Janette takes great pride in empowering people to create their dream lifestyles. She is a contributing author to the best-selling book, Transform, co-written by Brian Tracy, an expert in the field of personal and organizational development. Janette also wrote Confessions of a Mompreneur: My Journey from Stressed-Out, Stay-atHome Mom to Successful Entrepreneur. Want to learn more about Janette? Visit janettegleason.com
Arrowhead Health:
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