Backpack Safety Tips

Yes, it’s that time of year again. It’s time for your children to return back to school and also time to buy school supplies. Supplies which can add up and lead to a heavy backpack after all is said and done. Dr. Robert Byrne recently wrote an article in the Ahwatukee Foothills News covering important backpack safety tips. These tips can help ensure that unneeded strain is caused on your children’s back and shoulders. Strain which can hinder a growing child’s development long term.

Backpack Safety

Slouching like this can lead to compression of the spine, causing long term damage.

While backpacks are less harmful than shoulder or messenger bags, an overloaded backpack can lead to injuries and bad posture. Chronic pain, muscle strain, and spinal compression are all injuries that can be caused by not practicing backpack safety. It is important that the backpack be worn properly.
  • Both straps should be worn and tightened so the bottom the backpack is about 2 inched from their waist.
  • Generally, the weight of the backpack and load should be no more than 15% of your child’s body weight.
  • If the load is too heavy, teach your child to carry their heavier textbooks in their arms to lighten the load on their back.
Parents can also consider different kinds of backpacks such as ones with a strap that goes around the waist or chest straps. Of course, there are rolling backpacks as well. However, rolling backpacks may be difficult for a child to maneuver up stairs.

Relief from Pain Associated with Heavy Backpacks

If your child is experiencing back pain associated with heavy backpacks, we are here to help. Arrowhead Health Centers has a multitude of pain management services for children and teens including chiropractic care and physical rehabilitation. Dr. Robert Byrne has more than 13 years of experience in the medical industry, he is passionate about helping people of all ages live long, healthy, happy lives. Contact us today to schedule a visit with him or any one of our dedicated physicians who consistently put people first. Save Save Save Save
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