
Managing Sports Induced Asthma

Sports induced asthma is nothing to scoff at. Anyone suffering from the ailment knows that a sudden flare-up can be…

Arrowhead Health

I’m Pre-Diabetic, Now What?

Think of your cells as a car, blood sugar as the gasoline, and insulin as the hose that gets the…

Arrowhead Health

Skin Cancer Stages

Skin cancer stages are part of a vital system that is used to determine prognosis, survival, and treatment plans. Multiple…

Arrowhead Health

Post Sports Injury Treatments

Ouch! We’ve all seen that athlete bite the dust so hard it makes the onlooking crowd gasp in unison. There’s…

Arrowhead Health

Effective Fibromyalgia Treatments (That Aren’t Drugs)

Fibromyalgia. The word often elicits an internal eye roll. Yet, fibromyalgia affects nearly 5 million Americans, 80-90% of which are…

Arrowhead Health

Cancerous Moles: What to Look For

Cancer. No word can strike fear the hearts of many like the word Cancer. It’s spoken with a sort of…

Arrowhead Health

How to Save on Prescription Drug Costs

Arrowhead Health Centers Medical Director, Dr. Johnston and her husband David Berg of Redirect Health talk to CBS Ch5 about…

Arrowhead Health

Skin Cancer Awareness Month (Video)

Arrowhead Health Centers' skin cancer specialist, Dr. Robert West, stopped by 12 News to discuss the dangers of prolonged sun…

Arrowhead Health