Cancerous Moles: What to Look For

Cancer. No word can strike fear the hearts of many like the word Cancer. It’s spoken with a sort of reverence and fear all at the same time. There are so many types of cancer that it’s almost impossible to list them all: melanoma, squamous cell, carcinoma, basal cell, the list goes on. Since early detection and treatment is the most effective way to cure melanoma and other forms of skin cancer,  we are going to talk about how to recognize and treat cancerous moles.

Signs of Cancerous Moles

Here are five signs you may have a cancerous mole. Just remember your ABC’s:
  1. Asymmetry: a healthy mole is typically symmetrical. If you can’t fold your mole in half, figuratively speaking, and the borders align, that may indicate a cancerous mole.
  2. Border: cancerous moles often have indefinite, blurred or fuzzy borders, whereas healthy moles have very distinct edges.
  3. Color: healthy moles are one color. A cancerous mole can be multiple colors or multiple shades of colors.
  4. Diameter: non cancerous moles are no larger than 6 millimeters (or ¼ inches) in width. Any mole larger this this, should be looked at.
  5. Evolving: cancerous moles sometimes change size, shape, or color. If you see this, especially if the mole changes color, call your doctor right away.


Treating Cancerous Moles

At Arrowhead Health Centers, we have an’ innovative Skin Cancer Screening Clinic that specializes in skin cancer diagnosis as well as  treatment, support, and education. We use state-of-the-art equipment to examine and monitor suspicious moles so you don’t have to go on worrying. We know cancer is a scary word, especially since 1 in 5 Americans will develop some type of skin cancer in their lifetime. But with the help of our  skin cancer specialists, you can rest assured that we will take care of you so that you can continue taking care of your family. Call us today to schedule your examination.
Arrowhead Health:
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