Managing Sports Induced Asthma

Sports induced asthma is nothing to scoff at. Anyone suffering from the ailment knows that a sudden flare-up can be frustrating to the say the least. If you’re wondering if you should avoid exercise because you have sports induced asthma, the answer is NO. We’ll give you 5 tips on managing your asthma so you can continue to enjoy sport and life.

If I Have Sports Induced Asthma, Should I Avoid Exercise?

In short, you don’t have to avoid exercise if you get sports induced asthma. Exercise is a key element of health. Luckily, there are exercises and measures you can take to prevent asthma attacks. In fact, there are plenty of athletes that compete with asthma including Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Jerome Bettis, and Greg Lougan. Rather than be limited, employ these precautions to help manage sports induced asthma.

Take an Inhaler Before Exercise

Studies suggest that taking an inhaler 10 minutes before exercise can keep the airways from contracting during the exercise regimen. Be sure to keep the inhaler nearby, however in case a the event a puff is needed mid-workout.

Make Adjustments on High Pollen Days

Pollen can exacerbate sports induced asthma. During high pollen periods, adjust your workout by exercising indoors.

Stick to Short Sports

Exercise induced asthma can be managed better when participating in exercise is limited to activities that involve short, intermittent periods of exertion. For example, baseball, football, gymnastics, and shorter track and field events, are generally well tolerated by people with exercise-induced asthma. Swimming is perhaps the best exercise as it can be done in short spurts and is generally conducted in warm, moist areas.

Warm Up and Cool Down

Studies suggest that warming up before and cooling down after exercise can help reduce a sports induced asthma flare-up. Plan for ten minutes for prior and following your exercise routine; include stretching and light cardio such as jogging or jumping jacks. A physical therapist can also give good recommendations.

Don’t Be Deterred

Living with sports induced asthma can certainly be frustrating. Try a variety of sports to find the one that causes the least flare up. Don’t give up! The benefits of exercise will certainly pay off long term. If you are unsure if you have sports induced asthma, contact our team today. Each patient undergoes a thorough evaluation and diagnosis in order to determine the course of treatment and provide relief. We are here to provide helpful and friendly service with same day/next day appointments at any of our 6 convenient locations. Save Save Save
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