Minor Injuries to Look Out For

You’re playing a game of pickup basketball with some buddies from work. In spite of the fact that you don’t shoot very well, your shots are dropping just slightly more often than not. You’re defending another player at the rim and after he shoots and misses you go up for the rebound but you come down on top of his foot and roll your ankle. Injuries like these occur very frequently and should not be taken lightly. We say that because sometimes minor injuries, if not taken care of in the right way, can become major injuries. Arrowhead Health Centers decided that we could provide you all with what minor injuries to look out for and how to treat them correctly. We offer treatment for these injuries, and can help keep you away from developing major injuries.

Common Minor Injuries

Some of the most common minor injuries include strains, sprains, and bruises. These will most often occur during some sort of physical activity. Some people confuse strains and sprains and call them the same thing but there is a slight difference.


A strain is caused when overstretching or tearing happens in tendons or muscles that help support and move a joint. Simply put, a tendon is the fibrous ending of a muscle that connects to bone. Most often strains are minor but they can lead to major injuries if not dealt with correctly. An example of that would be if a tendon completely severed and required surgical repair.


A sprain is very similar to a strain but instead of overstretching or tearing in tendons or muscles, it happens in ligaments. A ligament is the strong, fibrous band that holds a joint together, connecting bone to bone. These are also most often minor but can lead to a major situation due to tissue damage or continued use.


A bruise happens when a ligament, tendon, or muscle takes a blow that is forceful enough to injure capillaries. They then break open and cause blood to collect under your skin and in the injured tissue. Most bruises are also minor and heal with home treatment. Bruising doesn’t usually lead to a major situation unless the injured tissue is a vital organ, or if a blood clot arises.

How to Treat These Injuries

Regardless of which of these three minor injuries has happened to you, follow this three step guide and you should come out on the other side just fine.

Don’t Be A Hero

The moment you begin to feel pain is when you should come out of your activity and give your injury some rest. Although your team needs you to keep pushing, YOU need you to take care of your injury.

See A Doctor

As soon as you are able to get your injury checked out by a physician, do it. Although most of these types of injuries are minor it is important to double check with an expert. Go see a medical professional, especially if you are having trouble putting any weight on your injury or you can’t move the specific area.


We’re not telling you to grab a bowl of rice, it’s an acronym. It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. You’ll want to rest your injury and cut back on normal daily activities. Ice your injury for 10 – 20 minutes at a time 4 – 8 times a day making sure to wrap the ice so you don’t burn your skin. Wrap the injury, tight but not too tight, with an elastic bandage to reduce pain and swelling. Elevate the injury above the level of your heart with pillows or blankets to minimize swelling.

Contact AHC For Help

Since you now have the information to take care of your own minor injuries, you shouldn’t have any issues with them. However, if you are still experiencing pain or discomfort for too long after the initial incident, contact Arrowhead Health Centers. We know all there is to know about pain and injury management and can get you on the right track to wellness. Visit our contact page or give us a call at 623.777.5587.
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