Degeneration of cartilage is often the cause of joint pain felt in our bodies. Cartilage provides a cushion inside joints and helps to distribute weight and add stability. Unfortunately, cartilage may not last. It will eventually begin to wear out over time, which is one of the reasons why issues such as OsteoArthritis are seen so frequently in older people. Sports injuries and being overweight can cause joint pain to appear sooner in life.Glucosamine has shown to be effective in stimulating cartilage production in joints by attracting water to the tissue in the joint, which can help the joint retain its elasticity. The water attracted to the joint can also help to block the action of enzymes that work to break down cartilage.Proponents of glucosamine treatments say that by taking extra glucosamine, which again, is already produced naturally in the body, can help to replace damaged or worn cartilage more quickly. At first, researchers were seeing moderate to large benefits in those who were taking the supplement on a regular basis. These researchers agreed that, while it would be difficult to guarantee results for everyone, glucosamine treatments were probably effective to some degree.
As time went on, some studies began to prove otherwise with many scientists claiming that glucosamine was not as effective as first thought. What they did find is that, when used in conjunction with other joint pain therapies, glucosamine did provide some reduction in pain for some patients.
Glucosamine supplements may or may not work for you if you are experiencing chronic joint pain. The results seem to vary from one patient to the next. This is why it is so important to work with an integrated care team, like the one at Arrowhead Health Centers, who are familiar with many of the current treatments for joint pain like OsteoArthritis. We use a variety of therapies and treatments to help ensure that you see the best possible results.
When you first meet with our team, we begin to put together a tailored plan, specific to your needs, having a good idea of your symptoms and history of joint pain. Once the customized recovery plan is laid out, our team of specialists will begin working with you to put the plan into motion. As your treatment progresses, we monitor your results and adjust your plan to ensure continued results.
Want to know more about how this process works? Call us today at 623-334-4000 extension 9 to meet with our integrated care team and ensure your best results.
Joint pain is among the most difficult pains to deal with. It is not always strong enough to keep us off of our feet for good, but can often hit us at the most inopportune moments, which can definitely be alarming and annoying.
Those who experience joint pain from issues such as OsteoArthritis are constantly on the lookout for treatments and therapies that will help alleviate the pain and allow them to stay active. One solution that has gained popularity over the years is glucosamine supplements. These natural treatments are meant to give your body more of what it already naturally produces.
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